The more funds in the mixed pool, the higher the privacy will be. As the price of TORN dumping, the return on depositing is greatly reduced, which is not conducive to the improvement of TVL and lock-up privacy.

Investors are not the enemy of TornadoCash. The income of mining is also from these buyers. I really hope that TornadoCash team can open TORN mining, because TORN need privacy,and depositing TORN can reduce the selling pressure of mining and increase buyer confidence. This is also in the long-term consideration for TornadoCash.

混币池的资金越多隐私匿名性越高,随着 TORN价格 暴跌,存币回报大幅度降低,非常不利于TVL和锁仓隐私性的提高。

投资者不是 TornadoCash 的敌人,挖矿的收益全部来源于这些买家,呼吁大家支持TornadoCash能够开放 TORN 的挖矿,因为 TORN 也需要隐私匿名保护,并且存TORN即可减少挖矿的抛压,更能增加买家信心,也是为 TornadoCash 长期发展真金白银的奉献。


That’s right! If the team can open Torn mining, as the increasing of torn’s price, more and more funds will be depositing to the mixed pool, which will greatly improve the user’s safety.

Ether SUPPORT ETH Staking & burn(EIP1559)

yearn SUPPORT YFI Mining

Compound SUPPORT COMP Loan


Uniswap&Sushiswap SUPPORT UNI&SUSHI Reward liquidity

why DONOT TronadoCash support TORN MINING?



Let’s do it! Investors are not the enemy of TornadoCash. The income of mining is also from these buyers, great!

To be honest, the currency and quantity in the tornado coin pool are still too few. The more funds in the mixed currency pool, the safer it is for users, and there will be more and more people in need, such as some very cool geeks, who are more willing to use tornado. I think all of us can consider this proposal deeply. The benefits of opening torn mining are obvious.
First, from the perspective of a tornado user. If torn mining is opened, a large number of torn holders will inject their funds into the mixed pool. These funds come from all over the world. There are more types and numbers of coins in the mixed coin pool, it will be more difficult to track, and the tornado will be more secure and reliable. Besides, investors will be very happy to deposit their torn into the mixed currency pool, and we only pay part of the 10% torn.
Second, opening torn mining may increase the price of torn, but this is not bad. With the increase in the price of torn, more people will be attracted to buy torn and deposit in the mixed currency pool. In the end, it will greatly improve the security, reliability and popularity of tornado, and attract more users in need to use tornado. It’s cooooool!
This suggestion may lead to a rapid increase in tornado users, and make tornado’s mixed currency pool always have a steady stream of funds.

(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged)

If the developer objects to this, please vote to delete the deposit Ethereum to get AP rewards!

people are willing to deposit eth to mine torn because torn is worthy.If torn keeps dropping ,people will leave . so the project wont last long.
we should do something to save it.@roman

I Agree with you. Like people work and gain salary, normal people who take part in TC governance get reward from it, seems to reasonable also. 附议。

agree, please add torn mining. look at uni sushi and other defi protocol, they all have their token mining. why does not have torn mining?

totally support this proposal! :grin:
Let’s make $TORN more useful and valuable

洛主任 我来了 GOGOGO TUTUTU[quote=“luke_lo, post:1, topic:542, full:true”]
The more funds in the mixed pool, the higher the privacy will be. As the price of TORN dumping, the return on depositing is greatly reduced, which is not conducive to the improvement of TVL and lock-up privacy.

Investors are not the enemy of TornadoCash. The income of mining is also from these buyers. I really hope that TornadoCash team can open TORN mining, because TORN need privacy,and depositing TORN can reduce the selling pressure of mining and increase buyer confidence. This is also in the long-term consideration for TornadoCash.

That’s right!In the blockchain world, only with a high degree of attention can the project survive, and price is undoubtedly one of the most important means to enhance the degree of attention. Unhealthy prices only make people question the future of the project.



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