Error: "Selected relayer could not sent your tx. Please try again or choose a different relayer in settings."


First time poster, I checked the forum but could not find this issue (only one topic regarding USDT Withdrawal).

I’m trying to Swap my AP into Torn, but no matter which relayer I use, I get the:

“Selected relayer could not sent your tx. Please try again or choose a different relayer in settings.” - error (Yes, I tried ALL relayers!).

I also tried Swapping using my own wallet, but this will lead to an ‘Outdated account merkle root’ - error, and I’d like to use a relayer anyway.

Is there anything I’m doing wrong? I have enough AP for the Swap, although my “reward” is 0.01 TORN (0.04 if I use my own wallet) - I just want to figure out how it works…

Thanks for your help!

The relayer software has an issue. They are currently updating. Try again a little bit later.

Allright, got any more info on that? I’d like to stay involved.