Show last updated leaves of Merkle Tree in UI

There is now a telegram bot which fetches the data for the Merkle Tree update:

TornadoHelper, [24.04.21 10:17]
Last updated deposit leaf index: 25856
Last updated withdrawal leaf index: 19456

If this is data that can be easily fetched on chain, it might be good to have it in the UI somewhere, perhaps on the claim AP page.

Maybe like:
Last updated deposit leaf index: 25856
Last updated withdrawal leaf index: 19456
Number of Merkle Tree Updates required before claiming AP (batches of 256): 25
Current cost (based on current gas price) of 1 update: 0.2x ETH.

This would give users an idea of where they are “in the claiming queue” and also an idea of the cost of moving forward.


This feature is currently in development. Will be released once we finish testing.


I just saw it

Very nice! Thanks @poma & team!

Continuous improvement!

Another idea: if there is a link to “update batch” on each batch - so that people can easily update their batch (or be tempted to update the batches before to speed things up). The “I’m in a hurry” factor can be leveraged.

Tell me what you think.

Are you still recruiting developers? I might be interested in a position with you.