@bertmiller @CHICKENNUGGET @acegilz @ethdev great to see your support. Start to lock your tokens in the governance contract now. It’s important to see how much votes we already have.
locked and loaded sers
In favor. Will lock and load tonight.
7.6k TORN deposited out of 25k on the 1st day. Awesome to see your support!
We will need to reach out little more…
In total 34 addresses deposited. I am still looking for a TORN whale with more than 1k tokens on a single address.
Good news, dude, will vote to support this proposal
One quick note, if you are lazy to come back online for the vote later when it starts. You can already now delegate your locked token to me. My address:
Here is a guide for the delegation:
I will also be putting my sizeable stack of TORN behind this proposal.
Where can I (visually) follow the amount of TORN deposited into the governance contract? Or if it is a single read call to a contract I might be able to do that as well via Etherscan.
Check the TORN balance of the governance contract:
As someone who’s been following Tornado since day 1 and might or might not be farming I fully support this.
I support this project. XD
really looking forward to this and what cool things happen. @Rezan are you planning to submit the proposal soon? i am sure i am not the only one excited
When we are above 25k I will. It’s taking a bit more time than expected…
Of course I am super excited
25K is here. How much of a threshold do you evaluate that we need? None?
we are there! looking forward to voting in the first ever proposal (i’m sure one of many!)
We reached 25k, thanks everybody!
I will come with an update later today, making some last preparations.
Update, the proposal is live, GO VOTE NOW!
Contract address: 0x79667CE99bcd209eb439559Df031F18aC8f71a44
See proposal contract on Etherscan
Am I correct in assuming this is a sure thing now, with 14.4K? Theres not enough to vote against?