If you are a TORN token holder, you can delegate your voting power to someone else without having to send him the tokens.
IMPORTANT: If you delegate your tokens and that your delegate votes or initiate a proposal, your tokens will be locked for 8.25 days from the moment the proposal that the delegate voted on started. Note that that you can always undelegate at any time.
To achieve delegation, go to: https://app.tornado.cash/governance
You first need to lock your tokens in the governance contract. Click Manage -> Lock Tab
Approve the governance contract to transfer your TORN tokens by clicking on the “Approve” button. Once the approve is confirmed, chose the amount you want to delegate and click “Lock”. Confirm the transaction in your wallet and wait for the confirmation.
The last step, is to make the actual delegation. Go again to https://app.tornado.cash/governance
Click Manage -> Delegate Tab
Fill-in the address to which you want to delegate and click “Delegate”. Approve the transaction in your wallet and wait for confirmation.
The totality of your locked balance will be delegated.
You can undelegate at anytime. To undelegate simply use the “Undelegate” Button in Manage -> Undelegate Tab.